The Langley High School Orchestra program directed by Robin Wilkins has gained national prominence and international
recognition. During its performance tour of Germany & Austria in 2002, the LHSO received a citation from the Mayor of
Salzburg and performed at Schoenbrunn Palace in Vienna. This spring, the Orchestra will return to Europe for an performing
tour of Italy. The orchestra has also performed at Carnegie Hall, The White House, The Kennedy Center for Performing Arts, Constitution Hall, The Corcoran Gallery of Art, and The Canadian Embassy in Washington DC. Also in Washington, the LHSO performed for the 2001 Presidential Inaguration Ball. Other performances include
the Walt Disney World Musical Showcase and Honolulu, Hawaii.
A regular festival competitor,
the LHSO has consistently received superior ratings. Many orchestra members have successfully placed in concerto competitions
or served as concertmaster and principals of local, state, or national youth symphonies. In addition to travel &
touring performances, the Langley Orchestra puts on three annual symphonic performances, numerous local chamber
group performances, and a very successful local winter Tots Concert.